He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches
2014년 8월 31일 일요일
2014년 8월 30일 토요일
2014년 8월 29일 금요일
Advocate, The Messenger Who Speaks On Behalf
Main reference: Rv 22:16
This is today’s fulfilled reality of Revelation. This is when Jesus chooses the One Who Overcomes as the messenger, advocate who speaks on behalf—he is the one who saw all of the events of Revelation (Rv 22:8), the one who received the revealed scroll (Rv 10), the one who sent letters to the seven messengers (Rv 2, 3), and the one who knows the three mysteries (Rv 1, 10, 17). Jesus chooses him to testify to the church what he has seen and heard (Rv 22:16).
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Not only does the messenger who speaks on behalf knows the true meaning of the New Testament’s Revelation, but he is testifying to it because he saw and touched the physical entities of the prophecies spoken in Revelation. This is different from the testimonies of regular pastors who claim to know the meaning of Revelation from studying or interpreting with their thinking, or from interpreting using commentaries.
Source: SCJ cafe <Fulfillment of the New Testament>
2014년 8월 28일 목요일
The End of the Churches
The Harvest is the End of the Age, the End of the Churches
God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, sent his son Jesus as the savior of mankind, to a world of evil and sin. Jesus came to this evil world in obedience to God’s command.
He carried the cross on our behalf for our sins, granted us life, and left. This means that the world was shown tremendous grace, and also owed a tremendous debt to the heavens.

God told us to be Jesus’ witnesses to the ends of the earth upon receiving the Holy Spirit as it was said in Acts chapters 1 and 2. And in Matthew 24:14, “…this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”. The ‘end’ here refers to the harvest as written in Matthew 13:37-39: “the harvest is the end of the age”.
It is also the end of the sun, moon and stars, the end of spiritual Israel, and the end of the churches, where not one stone will be left on another (refer to Mt 24:1-2, 29-31).
Source: SCJ, Shincheonji cafe
2014년 8월 27일 수요일
Shincheonji and the Truth
The Truth and Freedom of Faith
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A true believer should speak the truth of the Bible. The repression of the truth by
men’s authority and the use of money to avoid problems are certainly not the work of God’s holy spirit. Shincheonji has overcome with the truth. There is no truth in the churches today, but only corruption. The fact that believers are coming to Shincheonji is evidence that Shinchonji has overcome with the truth. The fact that not a single Protestant pastor has responded to Shincheonji’s proposal for a public debate of the Bible is evidence that Shinchonji has overcome with the truth.
Today, those who are unable to defeat Shincheonji with the word of the Bible and only persecute are no different from the pastors and elders of the First Coming who could not defeat Jesus with the truth and only persecuted him. Shinchonji is the kingdom promised by God. If one opposes Shinchonji, one cannot enter heaven. Just like how seven evil spirits come and live within a believer who leaves the truth (refer to Mt 12:43-45), isn’t it true that the world of believers is seven times more evil than the world of non-believers? The world of believers is corrupt and drunk with false words just as it says in Revelation 18; the corrupted world of believers must be reborn with the revealed word of Jesus.
People who want truth, heaven, and eternal life should come to Shincheonji (refer to Rv 17:14, 18:4). I pray that they seek freedom of faith, receive the word of revelation (refer to Mt 11:27; Rv 1:1-2, 22:16; Rv 10), and reach their hope.
<Shincheonji Church of Jesus Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony>
2014년 8월 26일 화요일
The Promised Pastor
The promised pastor who is sent by Jesus
♣ Do you know what "the physical entities
of the entire book of Revelation" are?
♧ Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/547
<Revelation in the New Testament, the Promised Kingdom and Pastor>
Just as the Old Testament was fulfilled at the time of the first coming, Revelation in the New Testament is fulfilled without adding to and/or subtracting from it (Rv 21:6). At the time of the fulfillment, the word of prophecy becomes the embodiment, and the flesh entities (actual realities) appear. This is what Jesus asks us to see and believe (Jn 14:29). John saw a vision during the time of prophecy, but at the time of the fulfillment, the New John (the one who overcomes) witnesses the physical fulfillment from Revelation chapter 1 through chapter 22, and he receives the opened scroll. According to the command he receives, he is sent to the churches to give the testimony just as it says in Revelation 22:16. Therefore, this testimony is the truth.
The promised pastor who is sent [by Jesus (Rv 22:16)] knows the physical entities of the entire book of Revelation.

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2014년 8월 25일 월요일
Be Born Again
The Word from the beginning
<The Word Since the Beginning, the Faith to be Revealed & I>
<The Word Since the Beginning, the Faith to be Revealed & I>
The promise God made through Jesus in the New Testament is regarding “being born again,” from a sinner to a righteous. One must be born again by God’s seed and His spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh and the spirit gives birth to spirit (Jn 3:5-6).
The Word from the beginning is spirit, it is God (Jn 1:1, 4:24), the seed, and the life. This Word is imperishable, and it is the spirit. One is able to be born again by “the Word since the beginning,” because this Word is the seed, the spirit, and the life. Accepting the faith to be revealed from heaven is accepting the seed of life and the holy spirit.
This enters me and changes me from within, so that what is mortal becomes immortal, and what is perishable into the seed that is imperishable (1 Cor 15:53-54, 1 Pt 1:23), to a new creation that does not perish (2 Cor 15:7). This is a new person who is born again.
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2014년 8월 24일 일요일
About Revelation
Source: Revelation in the New Testament,
the Promised Kingdom and Pastor
Revelation, which John recorded, summarizes the entire prophecy in the New Testament. It will be fulfilled without adding to and/or subtracting from it. After Jesus’ ascension, he came back and made known the revelation to John so we would believe when it happens.
Who fulfills this Revelation? Who witnesses it and testifies about it? Regarding the revelation (the sealed scroll) in the Old Testament, God fulfilled it, and Jesus testified about it by receiving the scroll (refer to Is 29:9-14; Hab 2:2-3; Ez 1, 2, 3; Mt 11:27) In regards to Revelation in the New Testament, Jesus receives the scroll (the sealed scroll) from God and fulfills it. He gives the opened scroll to the New John and has him testify about the physical fulfillment, which he sees and hears.
Therefore, it is only one pastor, the one who receives the scroll of the revelation, that is able to testify according to what he has seen, heard, and has been commanded to proclaim.
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2014년 8월 23일 토요일
The reason why Spiritual Israel did not believe Shincheonji?
Why didn't they believe Shincheonji?
What's the reason?
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The reason why Physical Israel did not believe in Jesus was because they did not believe in the Old Testament prophecies, and that they did not believe those prophecies when they were fulfilled.
In today's era of the Second Coming too, because Spiritual Israel does not believe in the prophecies regarding the new heaven and the new earth, it does not believe in the physical entities of the new heaven and the new earth, which is the New Spiritual Israel.
Source: The New Heaven and the New Earth that Are Newly-Created, and the First Heaven and the First Earth that Passed Away
2014년 8월 22일 금요일
New kingdom, Shincheonji

to Fulfill at the Time
of Jesus’ Second Coming
The creation of the new kingdom, Shinchonji, is what is promised to fulfill at the time of Jesus’ second coming.

Anyone who comes to Shincheonji and is born again through the culture of heaven will become the citizens of the new kingdom of heaven.
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<Religion and Three Kinds of Israel>
2014년 8월 21일 목요일
Meaning of Religion
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/417
<Religion and Three Kinds of Israel>
What is Religion?
Religion(宗 敎) means “the highest teaching,” and is learnt from God (the Holy Spirit) who is the owner of religion. This means that people learn from God in heaven, who is invisible to the eyes of the flesh of the earth.
According to Matthew 7:21 “only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Jesus, whom God was with, told physical Israel, who were born of Satan, to be ‘born again of the seed and the spirit of God’ (Jn 3:1-6). According to John 16:13-15 and Revelation 10, it says teach the things received from heaven. Also, according to Revelation 22:16, Jesus said, “I have sent my messenger to give you this testimony for the churches.” This means, religion is learning the Bible, the book of God. It is about learning and knowing the things of heaven, instead of the things of this earth.
2014년 8월 20일 수요일
Shincheonji, The City of Truth
Shincheonji, the City of Truth,
has overcome through the truth!
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/461
<The Path of the Word and the Blessing of Heaven>
Shincheonji, the City of Truth, has overcome through the truth. Judging whether someone is a heretic or orthodox, right or wrong must be based on the Bible.
There is a Korean phrase: seogi dongrae dongseong seohaeng (西氣東來 東成西行). It means the winds (energy) of the West have come to the East, and what has been fulfilled in the East is proclaimed to the West. The gospel of heaven, which was fulfilled in Europe in the West was proclaimed to the ends of the earth, to a nation in the East, the Republic of Korea (西氣東來: the winds of the West have come to the East).
This was proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony, and Jesus promised that the end would come once the testimony was proclaimed to the ends of the earth (Mt 24:14). At the end of the age, that is, when the Christian world comes to an end, at the time of the Second Coming, because the New Testament was fulfilled in the Republic of Korea in the East as promised, the gospel of revelation (the physical fulfillment of the New Testament) was proclaimed to Europe in the West, which had proclaimed the gospel of heaven to the East. This is the work of proclaiming to the West what has been fulfilled in the East.
Today, as it is recorded in the Bible, all nations must be healed, and the God of truth must reign (Rv 22:2, Rv 19:6).
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2014년 8월 19일 화요일
The Upcoming World and the Passing World
The Upcoming Heaven
and the Passing World
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It is written in Scripture that God and Heaven will come down to this world (Jn 14:2-3, Rv 21:1-4).
The Bible shows that heaven comes to this world, and then the world comes to an end. When the world comes to the end of the age, the kingdom of the world will have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign for ever and ever (Rv 11:15). In other words, the nations of this world are disappearing, because the kingdom of the world becomes the nation of God.
Now, Satan has been seized and locked up (Rv 20:1-3), and God reigns the world as king(Rv 19:6). It was promised (prophesied) in the New Testament, and God is fulfilling it today.
By the end of the world of Satan, the world of God starts to unfold. This is the passing world and the upcoming world (Heaven).
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/337
<The Upcoming World (Heaven) and the Passing World>
2014년 8월 18일 월요일
The physical entities, the evidence that the prophecies have fulfilled.
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/560
<The People of Religion Who Became Corrupt & the New Era>
The physical entities=The evidence that the prophecies have fulfilled.

Likewise, today, those who have become corrupt and do not have the New Testament prophecies in their hearts cannot believe in the fulfillment of the New Testament. Regardless, the Word of God, in other words, the prophecy, is unchanging. God will fulfill according to the prophecies without adding to or subtracting from them. When the prophecies fulfill, the reality, the physical entities, appear accordingly. The physical entities become the evidence that the prophecies have fulfilled.
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2014년 8월 17일 일요일
The New Testament
Prophecies and the New Testament
Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/229
<New Testament (New Covenant), Matthew Chapter 13>
God, the creator, established covenants through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. God kept the covenant he established with Abraham through Moses (Gn 15; Ex 12).
God also fulfilled the prophecies that he had established with the Old Testament prophets through Jesus (Lk 24:44; Jn 19:30).
Prophecies have been given to us so that when they are fulfilled, we will believe (Jn 14:29).
The New Testament is not the same as the Old Testament, which has already been fulfilled. It is the promise and prophecy of a new covenant.
Therefore, people who believed in Jesus since his First Coming need to believe and keep the New Testament. The prophecies in the New Testament are to be fulfilled at the time of the Lord’s Second Coming.
Believers can attain salvation as they see and believe in the physical fulfillment of the prophecies at the time of the Lord’s Second Coming.
Even if a believer reads the New Testament but yet does not understand its meaning, he will not recognize the fulfillment despite witnessing it. If he does not recognize the fulfillment, there is no doubt that he will not be able to believe in it.
Even if a believer reads and knows the meaning of the New Testament, if he refuses to believe in the physical fulfillment he sees or act accordingly, he will not gain salvation (refer to Mt 7:21;Jn 14:23).
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2014년 8월 16일 토요일
The Bible prophecies have been fulfilled
It is done!
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/569
Fulfillment of the New Testament
Main reference: Rv 21:6
The New Testament that Jesus prophesied 2,000 years ago has been fulfilled. The prophecies of the Four Gospels and the Book of Revelation have been fulfilled as promised (Rv 21:6), without being added to or subtracted from it.
Jesus who fulfilled the Old Testament promised the New Testament, and he fulfilled the New Testament’s Revelation today in the nation of East, in Republic of Korea. This is the Bible, this is the prophecy, and this is the fulfillment of what is promised.
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2014년 8월 15일 금요일
Shincheonji and The One Who Overcomes
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/539
SCJ cafe : Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near!

SCJ is the greatest city of truth within the 6,000 years of God’s history. The reason why it is the greatest city of truth is because Shincheonji has been established through the holy spirit of truth (refer to Jn 14:26, 16:13-15, 25). It is in Shincheonji the truth which the Bible refers to exists. I am making this known to people once again that the eternal truth no one else can transgress is in SCJ. I am praying everyone will live through this truth.
2014년 8월 13일 수요일
When the Word is preached to the ends of the earth
When this Word of promise has testified to the ends of the earth
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The Bible (New Testament) promises us that, again, Spiritual Israel will become corrupt and be destroyed, and a new Israel (New Spiritual Israel) will appear (Rv 6, 7).
It is also written that this Word must be preached to the whole world, to the ends of the earth, as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (Mt 24:14).
Jesus promised in advance that the fruit from the seed planted at the First Coming will be gathered at this time to create and establish God’s new kingdom (Mt 13:30, 21:43).
This promise has fulfilled Today in the Republic of Korea, the nation situated at the very end of Asia, the land of the East.
- Mt 24:14

- Ac 1:8
Source: <SCJ cafe> The People of Religion Who Became Corrupt & the New Era
2014년 8월 12일 화요일
Freedom of Faith
What is "Freedom of Faith"?
Jn 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Shincheonji is the kingdom promised by God.
If one opposes Shincheonji, one cannot enter heaven.
The corrupted world of believers must be reborn with the revealed word of Jesus.
People who want truth, heaven, and eternal life should come to Shincheonji (refer to Rev 17:14, 18:4).
SCJ prays that they seek freedom of faith, receive the word of revelation (truth), and reach their hope.
Source: <SCJ cafe> http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/400
Shincheonji Church of Jesus Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
2014년 8월 8일 금요일
The one who Adds and Subtracts from Revelation
The Result of the one who Adds
and Subtracts
from Revelation
How will become result of 'add or subtract about revelation'?
If one adds to or subtracts from the promised Revelation,......
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Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/554
Fulfillment of Prophecies and Faith
Just like it is written, since Revelation will fulfill (Rv 21:6) one must write it in his heart. If one adds and subtracts about Revelation then he will not be able to enter into heaven and will also receive curses (Rev 22:18-19). The one who adds and subtracts from Revelation is one who will receive curses.
Just because the one who is not able to enter into heaven, the one who receives curses, calls the one who does not add or subtract from Revelation (the one who has mastered) a cult, does that make him a cult? Ha~
2014년 8월 7일 목요일
The messenger of the promise
The promised pastor, the one who overcomes,
and who is sent in the name of Jesus

Source: Religion, Betrayal, & a Rebel
God and His Son, Jesus, came to the world at the first coming. Jesus made known the betrayers (the pastors of the Physical Israelites), the destroyers (the Pharisees), and the savior (Jesus himself). Jesus also testified about the fulfillment of the Old Testament.
Today at the second coming, God, Jesus, and heaven have come to this earth. The promised pastor, the one who overcomes, and who is sent in the name of Jesus, has also come.
This messenger of the promise has made known and testified about today’s betrayers and destroyers. He has also made known the fact of who the savior is, and he has testified about how the promised Revelation has been fulfilled.
The prophecies of Revelation have been fulfilled.
The promises of God and Jesus have come to pass and have come to an end. The testimony is also finished. At a time like this, there are people who believe, and there are people who do not believe. It is only those who believe who will be able to attain salvation.
The kingdom of promise, which was God’s promise and His will, has been created according to Revelation 7 and 14. One generation was put to an end due to its betrayal (Rev 13), and an eternal new generation has begun, that is, the era of Shincheonji (i.e. new heaven and new earth) (refer to Mt 19:27-29).
and who is sent in the name of Jesus

Source: Religion, Betrayal, & a Rebel
God and His Son, Jesus, came to the world at the first coming. Jesus made known the betrayers (the pastors of the Physical Israelites), the destroyers (the Pharisees), and the savior (Jesus himself). Jesus also testified about the fulfillment of the Old Testament.
Today at the second coming, God, Jesus, and heaven have come to this earth. The promised pastor, the one who overcomes, and who is sent in the name of Jesus, has also come.
This messenger of the promise has made known and testified about today’s betrayers and destroyers. He has also made known the fact of who the savior is, and he has testified about how the promised Revelation has been fulfilled.
The prophecies of Revelation have been fulfilled.
The promises of God and Jesus have come to pass and have come to an end. The testimony is also finished. At a time like this, there are people who believe, and there are people who do not believe. It is only those who believe who will be able to attain salvation.
The kingdom of promise, which was God’s promise and His will, has been created according to Revelation 7 and 14. One generation was put to an end due to its betrayal (Rev 13), and an eternal new generation has begun, that is, the era of Shincheonji (i.e. new heaven and new earth) (refer to Mt 19:27-29).
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2014년 8월 6일 수요일
Jesus’ duties at the First and the Second Comings
Jesus’ duties at the First
and the Second Comings
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/558
<The Beginnings and the Ends of the Old Testament
& the New Testament (A and Ω)>
- The Secret of Heaven
The secret of heaven at the First Coming was the seed, and this seed was told only in parables (Mt 13). The secret of the New Testament at the Second Coming is greater and complete. No one knew the three mysteries of the Book of Revelation. However, God made known the mysteries of the 22 chapters of Revelation, the mysteries of betrayal, destruction, and salvation, to Shincheonji and allowed them to see it. There is nothing greater than this on earth.
- Jesus’ duties at the First and the Second Comings
The 12 disciples were appointed at the First Coming of Jesus, and they preached the gospel of heaven for the next 2,000 years even as they were martyred. Their souls ascended to heaven and became the City of New Jerusalem. They will come down to this earth again (refer to Mt 19:28; Rv 21). As promised in Revelation, Jesus will harvest and create the 12 Tribes through sealing (Rv 7 and 14). What is created is heaven, God’s kingdom. To this place, God comes and reigns (refer to Rv 19:6). These are Jesus’ duties at the First and the Second Comings.
- God reigns
We, Shincheonji, met a new world of a bright future beyond this troubled and disorderly world. The world will become a world of peace, and the time for our Father God to reign this world has come (refer to Is 52:7).
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↑↑↑Spiritual body
Spiritual bodies
If this is not true, one needs to show where Jesus’s dead body is. It is also stated that Moses’ grave is nowhere to be found (Dt 34:5-6). Moses was with Jesus on Mount of Transfiguration. Elijah included, these three people, whose dead bodies were not buried, appeared, looking all the same (in the spiritual bodies) (Mt 17:1~8). Why did the only three people whose bodies were not found on earth appear? Where is it inferring that the bodies of these three are? Or did their physical bodies transfigure as well?
The Answer is in SCJ cafe
Source: SCJ(old: Shinchonji) cafe
2014년 8월 4일 월요일
Sowing and Harvesting
Sowing the seed and Harvesting crops

About 600 years after that prophecy was made, God came to Jesus and fulfilled that word by sowing the seed of his word (Mt 13:24-25).
Today, 2,000 years after that seed was sown, Jesus has come to his church with his angels like a thief, and he is harvesting crops and bringing them to the barn of heaven according to his own promises in the New Testament (Mt 24:43-44; Rv 3:3, 14:1-4).
No one knows where Jesus has returned or where the barn is located, but Jesus has promised to reveal the location in the Bible.
Let’s take a look~~
Source: SCJ(old: Shinchonji) cafe
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Click 'SCJ' image, and you can move to Shincheonji cafe2014년 8월 3일 일요일
Follow on preceding "Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation"
At the first coming, God and Jesus fulfilled every promise in the Old Testament (Jn 19:30) and testified to the betrayer, destroyer, and savior.
However, they (the chosen people of Physical Israel) did not believe, but instead persecuted, exiled and even killed Jesus whom God was one with along with His disciples.
God is also fulfilling every promise in the New Testament in Jesus’ second coming like the time of first coming (Rv 21:6). The new world of God established in this time is ‘New Heaven New Earth (Shinchonji), the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (New Spiritual Israel) (Rv 21:1-7, 15:4-5). The betrayer, destroyer, and savior are testified here.
Persecution at the First and Second Comings
At the first coming, God and Jesus fulfilled every promise in the Old Testament (Jn 19:30) and testified to the betrayer, destroyer, and savior.
However, they (the chosen people of Physical Israel) did not believe, but instead persecuted, exiled and even killed Jesus whom God was one with along with His disciples.
God is also fulfilling every promise in the New Testament in Jesus’ second coming like the time of first coming (Rv 21:6). The new world of God established in this time is ‘New Heaven New Earth (Shinchonji), the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (New Spiritual Israel) (Rv 21:1-7, 15:4-5). The betrayer, destroyer, and savior are testified here.
However, Christians (Spiritual Israel) do not believe this fact, and so they persecute, exile, and even kill us because we do not convert to their religious body.
They have been waiting and praying for the second coming of Jesus but,
why do they carry out such illegal action?
why do they carry out such illegal action?
Source: SCJ cafe
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2014년 8월 2일 토요일
The Events at the End of Age
"Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation"
The events we have to ‘see, hear, and believe’ at the end of the age are,

③ Savior : promised pastor – the one who overcomes (Rev chapter 2,3,12)
The fulfillment of these three identities are testified according to scripture, we must see, hear, and perceive and go to the savior to receive salvation. This is what God has promised.
Source: SCJ(old: Shinchonji) cafe
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2014년 8월 1일 금요일
What God promises in the New Testament
is the promised pastor, the promised nation, and the promised kingdom.
What God promises in the New Testament is the promised pastor, the promised nation, and the promised kingdom. These are (Mt 6:33) that followers have to seek first.

God established Shincheonji, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony which was promised in advance for everyone in the whole world, and made the promised pastor testify the prophecy and its fulfillment.
What God promises in the New Testament is the promised pastor, the promised nation, and the promised kingdom. These are (Mt 6:33) that followers have to seek first.

God established Shincheonji, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony which was promised in advance for everyone in the whole world, and made the promised pastor testify the prophecy and its fulfillment.
Source: SCJ(old: Shinchonji) cafe
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